Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal disease damages bone and the surrounding soft tissues that support the teeth. 

Predominantly caused by the accumulation of bacteria, mucus, plaque and tarter particles that sit between the teeth and the gums, periodontal disease can range in severity from a simple gum inflammation, known as gingivitis, to a more serious inflammation of the periodontal tissues.

Left untreated periodontal disease can result in significant tissue damage and eventual tooth loss.

Even with good home hygiene and care, periodontal bacteria can still aggressively infect your gums and bone, especially in areas that are difficult to keep clean.

People who a history of periodontal disease need to come in more frequently for dental cleanings to prevent the disease from relapsing.

Sometimes additional therapies such as medicinal rinses and antibiotics can also be used to maintain periodontal disease in the dental office and at home.


If you would like to learn more about treating periodontal disease or beginning a periodontal maintenance and deep cleaning program, please call 510.996.4955, request an appointment online, or contact us.